There always seems to be someone telling you to strengthen your core, whether that be your treating practitioner, government guidelines or the media, but what does this mean, and how is it going to help your back pain? What Is Your Core? Your true core is made up of a cylinder of support that comprises.. read more →

  For many of us, getting back into fitness and trying to shed those stubborn winter kilos means hitting the pavement for some cardio. Not wanting to look like a novice, it is easy to get caught up in all the running advice available. Should I have a toe strike, heel strike, mid foot strike?.. read more →

With Year 12 Exams just around the corner, we started thinking about where our poor posture habits began. There has been a focus over the last few years on highlighting postural problems caused by prolonged periods of sitting. To try and manage this we have focused on the ergonomic setup of our desks. Since the.. read more →

Do you have a dormant butt? Chris Kolba, a physical therapist at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center coined the term to explain to his patients that their glute muscles weren’t working efficiently. Having a dormant butt is not a new thing but it is increasing due to our sedentary behaviours that limit our.. read more →

04 Feb 2016
February 4, 2016

What is a Cobb Angle?

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The Cobb angle is an angular measure of deformity of the spine in the coronal (frontal plane). It is named after American orthopedic surgeon John Robert Cobb, who wanted to find an accurate and consistent measure for the severity of spinal deformities, in particular scoliosis. To measure the Cobb angle you need to: Identify the.. read more →

A lot of people own a foam roller, try it once and don’t try it again because it hurts too much. The ones that stick with them swear by them. So why are they good? In short they work just like a massage. They improve circulation, reduce muscle tension and increase joint mobility and flexibility… read more →

07 Dec 2015
December 7, 2015

Finding The Right Pillow

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Finding the right pillow can be really hard work (or a real pain in the neck!), choosing the wrong one can be the difference between a good night’s sleep and a restless night, which can then result in neck pain and tension. With most of us spending at least one third of our day in.. read more →

The short answer is yes, but why? With 70-90% of Australians suffering from lower back pain at some point in their lives[1], combined with evidence that 68% of 40 year olds and 80% of 50 year olds have some level of disc degeneration[2]. Throw all that in with the sedentary nature of our current lifestyles,.. read more →

There has been a number of buzz words in the health space over the last few years. Not long ago everyone was talking about ‘Sitting is the New Smoking’ and this drove a large uptake of stand up desks into the work place. The last 12 months has seen ‘Text Neck’ take over. So, what.. read more →

So not only has the ice melted but rest is getting a move along. For a long time, the common practice has been to rest an injury. Immobilise the joint or muscle for a period of time until the pain has subsided. So why has this changed? Well it is due to our better understanding.. read more →