2020 has been a crazy year for us all, and so many have chosen new ‘health kicks’ to help get us though. Many of us are walking and running more, making most of our hour of exercise outdoors. But have you stopped to think about what impact it is having on your bones? Our bones.. read more →
“I have creaky knees, it must be time for a cleanout!” This is something that we hear time and time again in the clinic from patients suffering from creaky, clicky or grinding knees. Knee arthroscopies (or commonly referred to as cleanouts) were previously common practice for this, recommended by general practitioners and surgeons as the.. read more →
Foam rollers are really useful pieces of gym and training equipment that can be used in many different ways. They come in many different sizes, lengths, textures and firmness that make it easy to choose which one you need depending on what you are wanting to use it for. Traditionally, foam rollers are most commonly.. read more →
The Tempero-mandibular joint (TMJ) is the anatomical name for your jaw. It is composed of the mandible and temporal bone, which is part of the cranium. It has some of the strongest muscles in the body such as the masseter, pterygoids, temporalis and hyoid muscles. These help move the jaw for speaking, eating and yawning.. read more →
Back pain is one of the most common conditions that we treat at the clinic and is the leading cause of disability worldwide. One of the most common misconceptions that we hear from patients is that the best thing is rest (commonly bed rest) and pain medication until the episode subsides. Recent research that has.. read more →
With the soccer season well upon us and pre-season a distant memory, activity loads for some children are at their highest, especially if your child is combining other sports and school yard activities. Different sports have a higher prevalence of some conditions but with soccer one of the most common is Sever’s Disease. It is.. read more →
You are excited leading into the summer months, bought some new running shoes and you’ve done a couple of fun runs. The body is feeling the best it has in a while. Then you start waking in the morning with a stiff heel, it may be on the back of the heel or under the.. read more →
It’s not what you expect to hear when you come in for a treatment. You explain your lower back pain to us, indicating that you are stiff and sore in the morning, you struggle to get out of the car and can’t sit for too long and now we are telling you to exercise. The.. read more →
There always seems to be someone telling you to strengthen your core, whether that be your treating practitioner, government guidelines or the media, but what does this mean, and how is it going to help your back pain? What Is Your Core? Your true core is made up of a cylinder of support that comprises.. read more →
For many of us, getting back into fitness and trying to shed those stubborn winter kilos means hitting the pavement for some cardio. Not wanting to look like a novice, it is easy to get caught up in all the running advice available. Should I have a toe strike, heel strike, mid foot strike?.. read more →