2020 has been a crazy year for us all, and so many have chosen new ‘health kicks’ to help get us though. Many of us are walking and running more, making most of our hour of exercise outdoors. But have you stopped to think about what impact it is having on your bones? Our bones.. read more →
“I have creaky knees, it must be time for a cleanout!” This is something that we hear time and time again in the clinic from patients suffering from creaky, clicky or grinding knees. Knee arthroscopies (or commonly referred to as cleanouts) were previously common practice for this, recommended by general practitioners and surgeons as the.. read more →
Foam rollers are really useful pieces of gym and training equipment that can be used in many different ways. They come in many different sizes, lengths, textures and firmness that make it easy to choose which one you need depending on what you are wanting to use it for. Traditionally, foam rollers are most commonly.. read more →
There always seems to be someone telling you to strengthen your core, whether that be your treating practitioner, government guidelines or the media, but what does this mean, and how is it going to help your back pain? What Is Your Core? Your true core is made up of a cylinder of support that comprises.. read more →
Do you have a dormant butt? Chris Kolba, a physical therapist at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center coined the term to explain to his patients that their glute muscles weren’t working efficiently. Having a dormant butt is not a new thing but it is increasing due to our sedentary behaviours that limit our.. read more →
At VSRC we regularly prescribe exercises to our patients. Our current process of writing the exercises on a sheet of paper isn’t the best, mainly due to Dan’s poor hand writing and Tracy’s interesting stick figure drawings, so we have decided to move to a software based application to make it easier and more legible.. read more →
A lot of people own a foam roller, try it once and don’t try it again because it hurts too much. The ones that stick with them swear by them. So why are they good? In short they work just like a massage. They improve circulation, reduce muscle tension and increase joint mobility and flexibility… read more →
These are some of the sciatic nerve and posterior chain stretches and mobility exercises that we like to prescribe to patients. While these exercises maybe useful in reducing symptoms of lower back pain and sciatica, they can also exacerbate them. Make sure you check with one of the practitioners at Victoria Sports and Rehabilitation Clinic before completing.. read more →
These are some of the lumbar spine mobility exercises we like to use with patients and athletes. Make sure you check with one of the practitioners at Victoria Sports and Rehabilitation Clinic before completing any of these. Repetition Suggestions Back Rolls X 10 Knees Side to Side X 10 each side Straight Leg Dynamic X 5.. read more →