Having a strong, well functioning core is extremely important for back strength, pelvic stability and posture. We constantly recommend core exercises for our patients to help with their injuries and the best thing is that so many of the exercises can be completed at home with little to no equipment. When commencing any exercise routine, it is important to start with safe beginner based exercises, and only to progress when you are ready to. One of the biggest issues we see with home based exercises is when people progress too quickly and end up injuring themselves. Here is a quick series of exercises that will help strengthen all of your core muscles including your deeper Transverse Abdominis and Pelvic Floor. We have also grouped them into beginner, intermediate and advanced to ensure safety for your body. Please start with the beginner level and progress as needed. Make sure to stop if there is any back pain and take your time with the exercises.


Single Leg Floats

Lay on your back with your head on a pillow. Find your neutral spine by arching and curling your back against the mat, stop approximately at the midpoint. There should be no lower back discomfort and if it is uncomfortable slightly flatten your spine into the mat and maintain that position. Take a deep breath in, as you breathe out lift the pelvic floor in and up as well as drawing your belly button to your spine. While completing this movement lift one leg up to table top (knee above hip and leg parallel to the floor). Breathe in and return the leg to the floor. Continue alternating side to side approximately 4-5 times. 

Single Leg Float with Leg Extension

Same set up as above. Once your leg is held at table top take another deep breath in, exhale as you straighten it away from you to a 45 degree angle. Breathe in to return to table top then lower. Repeat 10 times on each side alternating side to side. Alternatively this exercise can be performed by repeating the leg straighten in and out from the table top position 10 times before lowering down.

Double Leg Floats

Lay on your back with your head on a pillow. Find your neutral spine by arching and curling your back against the mat, stop approximately at the midpoint. There should be no lower back discomfort and if it is uncomfortable slightly flatten your spine into the mat and maintain that position. Take a deep breath in, as you breathe out lift the pelvic floor in and up as well as drawing your belly button to your spine. While completing this movement lift one leg up to table top (knee above hip and leg parallel to the floor). Breathe in and return the leg to the floor. Continue alternating side to side approximately 4-5 times. Once this becomes in lift the 1 leg to table top, deepen the stomach activation and then lift the 2nd leg. Lower the first leg to rest on the mat and then the 2nd leg. Swap legs to repeat alternating the leading leg. Complete this series 10 times on each side.

Bent Knee Fallout

Lay on your back and find your neutral spine. Activate your core and pelvic floor and breathe in to let one knee fall out to the side, pivoting from the hip. Ensure the pelvis stays stable and the opposite leg does not move. Breathe out to draw it back to midline, using strength from the inner thigh muscles to control the movement. Repeat on the opposite side, 10-12 times each.

Hover Plank

Start in an all 4’s position, hands under shoulders and knees under hips. Keep your neck and back in an aligned position and draw your pelvic floor in and up as well as your stomach towards your spine. Slowly shift part of your body weight onto your hands, curl the toes so that you can lift the knees and have them hover slightly off the ground. Hold this position for 10- 30 seconds then rest the knees on the floor. Repeat 3-4 times.


If you found the previous series quite easy, please progress to this level. 

Toe Taps

Lay on your back with your head on a pillow. Find your neutral spine by arching and curling your back against the mat, stop approximately at the midpoint. There should be no lower back discomfort and if it is uncomfortable slightly flatten your spine into the mat and maintain that position. Hold both legs in the tabletop position. Take a deep breath in, then exhale, allowing the toes to tap the floor before returning it to the table top position. Repeat with the opposite leg. Complete 15-20 taps on each leg. To make it more challenging you can place your hands behind your head and curl up into a crunch. Maintain this position while completing the toe taps.

Chest Lift

Start on your back with your head on the pillow, knees bent and feet resting on the mat. Curl up head, neck and shoulders into a crunch. Take the hands off your neck and place them behind the back of your knees. Use your arms and pull yourself up a fraction higher. Maintain this position while returning the hands to the back of the head, then lower back to the ground. Repeat the sequence 15-20 times.

Normal Plank

Start on your front with your elbows under your shoulders and your forearms resting in front of you. Straighten your legs behind your and curl your toes. Lift so that your body is being supported while on your tippy toes and elbows. Make sure your back is straight without dipping in the lower back. Hold for as long as you can maintain a good position then come to a rest. Repeat 3-4 times.


This is only for patients who have found the previous 2 levels quite easily and experienced no back, neck or hip pain while completing the exercises. Remember to stop if there is any pain.

Bicycle/Criss Cross

Behind your back with your hands behind your head and  your legs at table top. Curl your right shoulder and elbow up and over towards your left knee in an oblique direction. At the same time , bring the left knee towards the elbow and straighten the right leg away. Return to neutral and repeat on the opposite side. Repeat the sequence 15-20 times.

Opposite arm and leg extensions

Lay on your back with your head on a pillow. Find your neutral spine by arching and curling your back against the mat, stop approximately at the midpoint. There should be no lower back discomfort and if it is uncomfortable slightly flatten your spine into the mat and maintain that position. Hold both legs in the tabletop position and both arms straight, fingers pointing towards the ceiling.. On an exhalation, straighten your left leg and right arm away on a 45 degree angle. Breathe into return to the start position. Repeat on the opposite side. Continue to alternate and complete 10-15 repetitions on each side. 

Normal Plank with toe taps

If you have mastered the plank, here is a more challenging variation. Hold your plank position as above. Then lift one foot and tap the leg to the side. Return to the midline. Repeat on the opposite side and complete the sequence as many times as you can maintain a good position.

Side Plank

Start laying on your side with your elbow under your shoulder and your feet stacked. If this is too challenging you can stagger your feet and have one resting in front of the other. Lift up onto the elbow so that your body weight is resting on your elbow and feet. Hold for as long as possible. Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

Mobility exercises/Stretches

After working your core it can be normal to feel some tightness through the body and it is important to stretch out your core and lower back. Here are two great exercises that will achieve both!

Cat and camel

Start on your hands and knees, with knees under hips and hands under shoulders.

Keeping the shoulders relaxed, push your hands into the mat, allowing spine to lift towards the ceiling- arching up. Gently return to neutral. Then lower, inverting the Thoracic spine creating an arch in the back, feeling a stretch through the shoulder blades. Return to neutral. Only move in a range that is pain free and if you notice any pain during the exercise make sure you decrease the range and stick with what feels like a comfortable stretch. Complete this 10-15 times.

Prone Extension

Lay on your stomach with your legs straight. Bend your arms, placing your hands underneath your shoulders. Draw your stomach into your spine and slowly press through the hands, bringing back your head, neck and shoulders to feel a back stretch. Slowly return down, focusing on moving one segment of your spine at a time. Repeat 10 times. You can also hold the stretch at the top with your arms straight to feel a lovely stretch through the upper abdominals.

We hope you enjoyed this core series. This can be completed every day to help improve strength. Please speak to your practitioner before deciding whether all exercises are safe and appropriate for you to do and stop if there is any pain!