It’s not what you expect to hear when you come in for a treatment. You explain your lower back pain to us, indicating that you are stiff and sore in the morning, you struggle to get out of the car and can’t sit for too long and now we are telling you to exercise. The.. read more →
There always seems to be someone telling you to strengthen your core, whether that be your treating practitioner, government guidelines or the media, but what does this mean, and how is it going to help your back pain? What Is Your Core? Your true core is made up of a cylinder of support that comprises.. read more →
Do you have a dormant butt? Chris Kolba, a physical therapist at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center coined the term to explain to his patients that their glute muscles weren’t working efficiently. Having a dormant butt is not a new thing but it is increasing due to our sedentary behaviours that limit our.. read more →
At VSRC we regularly prescribe exercises to our patients. Our current process of writing the exercises on a sheet of paper isn’t the best, mainly due to Dan’s poor hand writing and Tracy’s interesting stick figure drawings, so we have decided to move to a software based application to make it easier and more legible.. read more →
The short answer is yes, but why? With 70-90% of Australians suffering from lower back pain at some point in their lives[1], combined with evidence that 68% of 40 year olds and 80% of 50 year olds have some level of disc degeneration[2]. Throw all that in with the sedentary nature of our current lifestyles,.. read more →
During pregnancy your body undergoes a large amount of change in order to prepare for the birth of your child. Your body prepares by releasing a hormone called relaxin, which increases the elasticity of muscles, tendons, ligaments and tissues of the pelvis and birth canal. This creates greater mobility throughout the pelvis to prepare for.. read more →
These are some of the lumbar spine mobility exercises we like to use with patients and athletes. Make sure you check with one of the practitioners at Victoria Sports and Rehabilitation Clinic before completing any of these. Repetition Suggestions Back Rolls X 10 Knees Side to Side X 10 each side Straight Leg Dynamic X 5.. read more →
Piriformis syndrome is one of the causes of sciatica. It is caused by the piriformis muscle (a muscle in your buttocks that rotates the hip) irritating or compressing the sciatic nerve. Piriformis syndrome sometimes is called wallet sciatica or fat-wallet syndrome. Kramer (from Seinfeld) makes reference to such a problem in an episode where he.. read more →
Muscle Energy Technique (MET), was first described by Osteopath Fred Mitchell Sr in 1948, and further developed by Fred Mitchell Jnr. It is a form of osteopathic treatment in which the patient is placed in a precise position. The patient is asked to actively contract specific muscles, in a specific direction against a counter-force applied.. read more →
If you are having ongoing hamstring injuries contact VSRC and Daniel Comerford can help develop a program for you. These exercises are high level rehabilitation and prehabilitation exercises used at AFL level by experienced athletes. Do not attempt these exercises without referring to a health professional first. read more →