You are excited leading into the summer months, bought some new running shoes and you’ve done a couple of fun runs. The body is feeling the best it has in a while. Then you start waking in the morning with a stiff heel, it may be on the back of the heel or under the.. read more →
With the warmer days well and truly here, everyone celebrates by getting their thongs out. Some may remember I wrote an article 3 years ago ‘Why thongs are bad for your feet.’ I delved into why they are bad for your feet but I didn’t elaborate on the impact they can have on the rest.. read more →
It’s not what you expect to hear when you come in for a treatment. You explain your lower back pain to us, indicating that you are stiff and sore in the morning, you struggle to get out of the car and can’t sit for too long and now we are telling you to exercise. The.. read more →
Remedial Massage is starting Tuesday 15th November. You can book online or call the clinic to make an appointment and from November 2016 until February 2017 when you buy your first remedial massage you will receive your second massage half price (please note terms and conditions apply). read more →
Do you have a dormant butt? Chris Kolba, a physical therapist at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center coined the term to explain to his patients that their glute muscles weren’t working efficiently. Having a dormant butt is not a new thing but it is increasing due to our sedentary behaviours that limit our.. read more →
During treatment for scoliosis with the Schroth Method and/or Cheneau-Gensingen Bracing, patients may be required to undergo a number of x-rays to assess the magnitude of their curvature. Today X-ray is still the gold standard for identifying and measuring a scoliosis.1 Researchers have calculated that scoliosis patients that have regular exposure to radiation have a.. read more →
A lot of people own a foam roller, try it once and don’t try it again because it hurts too much. The ones that stick with them swear by them. So why are they good? In short they work just like a massage. They improve circulation, reduce muscle tension and increase joint mobility and flexibility… read more →
The short answer is yes, but why? With 70-90% of Australians suffering from lower back pain at some point in their lives[1], combined with evidence that 68% of 40 year olds and 80% of 50 year olds have some level of disc degeneration[2]. Throw all that in with the sedentary nature of our current lifestyles,.. read more →
So not only has the ice melted but rest is getting a move along. For a long time, the common practice has been to rest an injury. Immobilise the joint or muscle for a period of time until the pain has subsided. So why has this changed? Well it is due to our better understanding.. read more →
These are some of the sciatic nerve and posterior chain stretches and mobility exercises that we like to prescribe to patients. While these exercises maybe useful in reducing symptoms of lower back pain and sciatica, they can also exacerbate them. Make sure you check with one of the practitioners at Victoria Sports and Rehabilitation Clinic before completing.. read more →